Functional Medicine Consultation

Struggling with health concerns that won't go away?

If you're tired of trying to figure it out on your own, or you're not sure what the next best step is for your specific situation, Dr. Kate can help.

Let's Do This!


The perfect 



  • You've been told everything's "normal" but you know you could (or should) feel better than you do.
  • You've tried eating healthy, exercising, and working on your sleep and stress, but still feel like something is missing or "off"- but you can't figure out what. 
  • You're ready to take action and invest in your well-being, because it means you'll be able to show up in the world as a better version of yourself.
  • You're comfortable with online videos and technology, and understand that health & well-being isn't "one-and-done," but a journey.


that Dr. Kate 



  • Hormone-related issues like PMS, infertility, hypothyroid, menopause symptoms, and hormonal acne
  • Digestion-related health concerns like IBS, SIBO, heartburn, reflux, bloating, constipation, and food sensitivites.
  • Other systemic issues like immune insufficiency, autoimmunity, eczema, hair loss, vertigo, migraines, cancer prevention, cognitive/memory support, and pain.
  • Stress-related health concerns like anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, fatigue, and weight gain.
  • Don't see your concern on the list? Submit an application - we'll let you know if it's something Dr. Kate can help with.

How do we get started?

Step 1: Submit Your Application Below

Dr. Kate works with clients all over the world utilizing a secure, telehealth portal, so don't let distance be the reason you don't apply! 

Once you've filled out the form and submitted it (using the link below) Dr. Kate will review it thoroughly. 

As soon as she's reviewed it, she'll send you an invitation to work with her.

Please closely monitor your inbox for these detailed instructions - sometimes they end up in spam!

Step 2: Register for your Consultation

You'll received detailed instructions for the two-step process of choosing your appointment time and completing payment for your Newbie Consultation with Dr. Kate.

Once you've received these instructions via email, be sure to complete both steps in order to reserve your spot! 

Step 3: It's Time to Meet Dr. Kate!

Once your appointment request has been approved, you'll receive a secure link to login to the virtual telehealth portal.

During your visit, Dr. Kate will extensively explore your case, review any past labs you may have, and answer your questions.

This one-on-one visit lasts roughly an hour, in which we will also determine if any functional labs or advanced protocols are needed, and if so, which ones would be best.

Step 4: What's Next?

Following your initial session, Dr. Kate will send you a customized, written report with a summary of your history, goals, and her recommendations for additional testing, nutrition, & nutraceuticals. 

Together, you and Dr. Kate will determine your need for follow-up appointments, and schedule as necessary.

Newbie 1:1 Consultation


  • 60-minute initial consultation with Dr. Kate via secure telehealth portal
  • Optional Functional Testing at wholesale cost
  • Personalized Functional Medicine protocol including lifestyle, nutrition, and supplements as needed
  • 60-day free enrollment in the Resilienteers
  • Follow up messaging with Dr. Kate
  • Priority access to ongoing support