women's health

Exploring Natural Remedies for Urinary Tract Infections

Did you know that between 50 and 60% of women will experience a UTI (urinary tract infection) in their lifetime?

While typically not super dangerous, UTI’s are no fun.

You’ve got the often-intense burning with urination, a sense of urgency, and feeling like you have to pee all the time, even if you just went and hardly anything comes out.

UTI’s can also cause abdominal pain, back pain, and - if not addressed in a timely manner - can progress to something more serious like a kidney infection.



Typically, UTI’s can be resolved with a simple protocol of antibiotics, or sometimes more natural agents like d-mannose, cranberry, or personal hygiene changes (like wearing more breathable underwear, peeing right after sex, and staying more hydrated) can do the trick.

But a good many gals get stuck in a cycle of UTI’s where they don’t stay away.

According to one study, about 26% of women have a recurrence during the six months after treatment for their initial UTI, and in a different study, 53% of women aged more than 55 years, and 36% of younger women, reported a recurrence within 1 year after their first UTI was treated.



I was talking to a client the other day...

She told me that when she contacted her primary care doctor after having 2 UTI’s in 2 months, and getting little relief from her round of antibiotics, her doctor told her to see a gynecologist. Upon calling to schedule with the gyno recommended, the receptionist informed her that “we don’t treat UTI’s here” and refused to make her an appointment. Talk about a facepalm!  🤦🏼‍♀️

One of the tricky things about treating UTI’s with antibiotics is that it frequently creates an environment that’s particularly welcoming to yeast. 

So once the UTI is gone, a gal can end up with an itchy, irritating, discharge-producing vaginal yeast infection.

THEN, they treat the yeast infection with messy, over-the-counter suppository only to end up with another UTI.

It’s just not fair. Or ok. Or conducive to being a productive member of society because you’re always cursing in the bathroom instead of living your best life.

I’ve met women who have ridden this UTI merry-go-round from hell for literal years of their life.

Yes, YEARS, with no real solution.

There are many factors that help create an environment where recurrent UTI’s become a problem, and everyone’s different, but I wanted to share some of my go-to strategies for helping folks break the UTI cycle using lifestyle changes & specific nutraceutical support.

1. Ditch your synthetic, lace undies

Instead, try underwear made from cotton or other moisture-wicking fabric. The goal is to stay nice and dry down there so bacteria and yeasts don’t have a friendly environment for growth.

2. Hydration, hydration, hydration.

If you’re not flushing your urinary tract frequently enough, you’re asking for unwelcome bacterial colonization of your underparts.

3. Pee after sexual activity.

Right away, every time. It might be inconvenient and unsexy, but it’s a must.

4. Take specific strains of protective probiotics.

Take a probiotic containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14, specific strains of bacteria that are shown to help maintain a healthy microbial balance in urogenital and vaginal tissue. Get my favorite HERE.

5. Utilize Allicin Extract

Support your body’s ability to kill unfriendly bacteria with allicin and allinase enzyme - a concentrated extract of garlic with well-established anti-microbial properties. Plus, it won’t wreck your gut like certain antibiotics.

6. Consider adding D-mannose and cranberry extract.

This are both well-known for supporting healthy biofilm, and have been studied in combination for their role in both symptom relief and helping clear unwelcome bacteria from the urinary tract.

7. Use Uva ursi leaf extract.

Uva Ursi another well-known herb that has astringent and antimicrobial actions on the lining of the urinary tract. My favorite blend combines it with berberine, a broadly-acting antimicrobial with anti-inflammatory properties, too!


Waking up with yet another UTI or yeast infection is THE WORST.

These strategies can help.


Be sure to check out my favorite versions of these UTI-busters HERE.

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